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Arbitrary Command Execution

Scaling Complex Flows with FSM Metadata

Status final
Author(s) minke.zhang@gmail.com
Contributor(s) bleh777777777777@gmail.com
Last Updated 2021-01-12


DownFlux is a real-time strategy game which potentially requires a wide variety of state-mutating flows. Because both the state and the flows are complex, we need a formal framework to describe the work that needs to be done to change the state. In a world where we add ad hoc state mutations, we will very quickly see the pains of a complex chain of code without a clear debug entry point.


We will break any given state mutation into two parts – a command metadata object, and a command executor. The metadata describes the overall command, exposes a specific subset of the game state, and tracks the work that is currently being done and will need to be done. The metadata may hold a reference to a child command metadata struct as well.

On every game tick, the executor object queries the metadata for what work (if any) needs to be done. The metadata queries only its internal references – notably, this is a read-only operation; the metadata object does not have authority to mutate state on its own. If the metadata signals to the executor that work needs to be done, the excutor will then explicitly mutate both the game and metadata object as appropriate.

Detailed Design

FSM / Visitor relationship diagram

Figure 1: FSM / Visitor relationship diagram.

Game State

The game state represents the totality of game data. This state may include game entities e.g. tank instances, the curves representing an entity property over time, as well as any other general data e.g. server status, the current game tick, etc.

A subset of the game state is broadcast per tick to all connected clients.

FSM (Command Metadata)

A command is represented with a finite state machine with a fully defined transition graph. For example, the move command consists of the PENDING, EXECUTING, FINISHED, and CANCELED states, with transitions


This command will have references to the underlying game state as part of the data struct, e.g.

type MoveCommand struct {
  serverStatus        *Status
  positionCurve       Curve
  nextPartialMoveTick float64

The command may offer a set of utility functions to mutate the referenced subset of the game state, or its own internal state (e.g. nextPartialMoveTick), but must not mutate itself. The command manager must manually make the mutations.

Virtual State Transitions

The command metadata will be used to calculate the “real” state of the command at any given point in time – if we schedule a move command to occur ten ticks in the future, we want to make sure the command itself knows when it needs to execute. This alleviates processing logic that otherwise will need to be handled by the iterator examining the commands (which in our case is the move visitor).

See Time Invariant Finite State Machines for more details.


func (c Command) ID() ID

The command may need to generate a UUID at init time – this ID will be used to check for duplicates of the command, and for calculating what commands of the same type may conflict with one another, e.g. two move commands on the same unit.

func (c Command) Accept(v Visitor) error

A command must allow an entry point for the visitor. This is part of the standard visitor pattern API.

func (c Command) State() (State, error)

A command will return its current, virtual (i.e. calculated) state. This will be used by the caller to determine what actions (if any) should be taken at the current point in time.

func (c Command) To(State) error

A command will surface a way to transition between different states in the internal FSM. This function will error out if there is no valid transition path from the current internal virtual state to the target.

func (c Command) Precedence(d Command) bool

A command must know if it may be superseded by another higher-priority command. This function returns true if the input Command arg is of lower priority (i.e. “c preceded d”).

Chaining FSMs

Chaining FSMs

Figure 2: Chaining FSMs; note that a visitor may queue additional dependent flows, but never accesses the dependent FSM itself, nor the dependent flow visitor.

The command may be a part of a larger, more intricate chain of commands – an attack-move command consists of both chasing a target and actually attacking when the target is within range. This is a valid pattern.

The parent command in this case may also need to expose an API endpoint to allow the visitor to change this reference. In our implementation of the Chase visitor, we regularly cancel and replace the referenced Move command with a new destination – this pointer is set via

func (c ChaseCommand) SetMove(m MoveCommand) error

See Figure 2 for more details.


Consider our Attack command; logically, we have a background task in which the attacker constantly chases the target; if the target is within attack range, we then signal to the Visitor this step is ready to execute

// Simplified API for brevity.
func (c *AttackCommand) Status() Status {
  if c.chaseCommand.Status() == CANCELED {
    return CANCELED
  if d(
    c.destination.Position()) < c.source.AttackRange() && (
      c.source.OffAttackCooldown()) {
    return EXECUTING
  return PENDING

FSM List

An FSM list will keep track of all commands of a specific type (e.g. all Move commands). This list may be mutated by an arbitrary visitor (e.g. when a Chase visitor needs to spawn in a new Move command). The default access pattern is provided via the Accept function.

N.B.: Technically this may be implemented as a simple slice, but our underlying implementation uses a map struct instead for fast queries.


func (l List) Clear() error

At the beginning of a game tick, the list will be required to delete any references to FINISHED or CANCELED-state commands.

Any dependent commands which have references to these deleted commands will still have access to the data structs – in our Golang implementation, the underlying memory is not freed until the last reference is deleted.

func (l List) Merge(m List) error

Our engine implementation keeps two lists per command type – one for incoming user requests (the “cache”), and one as our source of truth (“source”). At the beginning of the game tick, after the source deletes canceled and finished commands, the cache will be merged into the source.

This merge may cancel some commands in the source, as user commands take priority; in this case, we will delete the reference to the canceled command, and replace it with the new user command. As in the case of the Clear() function, the chained command(s) will still have access to the data of the deleted command.

func (l List) Append(c Command) error

The list will expose a generic way to add a new command.

func (l List) Accept(v Visitor) error

The list will also be exposed to the visitor – this function usually only acts as an iterator wrapper around the tracked commands. Commands here may be mutated serially or concurrently, depending on the list implementation.


FSM List Merge

Figure 3: FSM List merge operation.

As stated above, for each command type, we keep two FSM list instances. The cache is used for keeping track of client (e.g. player) input, while the source is used to keep track of the actual work items that need to be done. After we clear the stale commands from the source list, we will then merge in the cache – this allows us to atomically schedule the client input, and to override existing commands in the queue.


The visitor is our execution phase in the game. As stated above, this is the standard visitor of the visitor pattern; however, the key difference here is that while many references to this pattern uses the visitor to mutate actual objects (game entities in our case), we have opted for an additional layer of indirection, and have the visitors mutate the metadata instead. This allows us to have the opportunity to have a formalized definition for each command type, and greatly increases the scalability of our game as we add more and more commands to the execution model.


func (v Visitor) Visit (a Agent) error

The Visitor mutates the game state and the underlying command via the Visit() function. This function generally

  1. queries the command’s State(), and
  2. decide what action to take based on the returned value.

For example, the Move visitor will do a no-op if the Move command returns any state other than EXECUTING. In the EXECUTING phase, the visitor will

  1. calculate a partial path for the entity,
  2. update the entity curve, and
  3. schedule when the next partial move should be calculated (via MoveCommand.SchedulePartialMove(float64)).

Chaining Commands

It is in the Visitor that any dependent flows for the visitor-specific command may be generated – e.g. the newly-created Move commands that make up the Chase-chain are created here.

In the case the visitor needs to create new commands, the visitor will need a reference to the associated FSM List of the dependent command type. The visitor is responsible for scheduling the newly created command, and will schedule the command in the source of truth, not the cache.

See Figure 2; note that VisitorB does not have a data dependency on FSMA – setting this limitation greatly simplifies the separation of responsibilities between the visitor and the command metadata, and should allow for more scalability.

Also note that although we have said FSMs are read-only, there is a read-write dependency from FSMB to FSMA. This write operation is just a Command.To(CANCELED) call in case we need to halt the operation, and should not be any other mutation.


For our Attack command defined above, our visitor would query for the state, and mutate the game state:

// Simplified API for brevity.
func (v *AttackVisitor) Visit(c *AttackCommand) error {
  if c.Status() != EXECUTING { return nil }
  if c.Status() == EXECUTING {
    v.dirtyState.Add(c.Source(), c.Target())

Note that neither the Attack command nor the visitor modifies the dependent Chase flow - this independent execution of commands is crucial for scalability.

Dirty State

In the case the Visitor updates the game state via a curve, or creates a new entity, it is responsible for updating the game’s dirty state list. This list keeps track of the broadcastable data per tick, and is reset at the beginning of every game tick. For more information, see the design doc.

Work Estimates

Work Item Time Estimate Status
implement FSM interface 1 week DONE
implement Move FSM 1 week DONE
implement Produce FSM 1 week DONE
implement Chase FSM 1 week DONE
implement Attack FSM 1 week DONE
implement Move Visitor 1 week DONE
implement Produce Visitor 1 week DONE
implement Chase Visitor 1 week DONE
implement Attack Visitor 1 week DONE
implement Client Move API 1 day DONE
implement Client Produce API 1 day DONE
implement Client Attack API 1 day DONE
demonstrate feasibility N/A DONE

See Also

Comment on Reddit.
Minke Zhang
Minke is a software engineer based in the US. He enjoys running, climbing, photography, and banana-related facts. He works on DownFlux in his spare time. Minke prefers spaces over tabs in Python.